Joie De Vivre Puppy ApplicationPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastPhone Number *Email *Address *City *State *Zip *What is your preferred gender?MaleFemaleWhat is your color prefrence?Black and RustRed and Rust*Preferred Package* Please select the package you are interested in. Refer to our offer presentation for detailed descriptions of each. * **Ultimate Protector* Advanced obedience and protection training, Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certification, and ongoing support*Perfect Start* Comprehensive puppy obedience and socialization training,, including handler's course and ongoing support*Basic Puppy Package* A healthy, well-bred Doberman puppy with standard health guarantees and initial socialization. potential and Why are you interested in a Joie De Vivre Doberman? *CompanionshipPersonal ProtectionBreed or Show*What are your goals with your Doberman?* *Family CompanionProtectionSport WorkShow*Do you have experience with Dobermans or other large breeds?* *YesNoIf yes, please explain.*What type of living environment will your Doberman have?* *House with a yardApartmentFarmOther*What is your family dynamic like?* *Young ChildrenOther PetsFrequent VisitorsOne or more of these choices*How many hours a day will the puppy be left alone?* *None2-4 hours5-8 hours*How do you plan to train and socialize your Doberman?* (e.g., professional trainer, puppy classes, at-home training) *Personal TrainerPuppy ClassesAt home training*Do you have a veterinarian selected?* *YesNo*How do you plan to exercise your Doberman?* (e.g., daily walks, runs, playtime, fenced yard) *Daily WalksRunsPlaytimesFenced Yard *Health & Temperament Guarantee* We take great pride in producing healthy, well-bred Dobermans. By signing this application, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our health guarantee and contract terms. This includes requirements for spaying/neutering, training commitments, and health monitoring. Please check to confirm your understanding: *I acknowledge and agree to the health & temperament guarantees as outlined in Joie De Vivre Dobermans' contract.I DO NOT acknowledge and agree to the health & temperament guarantees as outlined in Joie De Vivre Dobermans' contract. *Acknowledgment of Deposit and Agreement* By submitting this application, you agree to place a non-refundable deposit to secure your puppy. The deposit is applied to the final purchase price. You also acknowledge that Joie De Vivre Dobermans takes time to thoroughly vet each potential owner to ensure the best possible match for both the puppy and your household. Please check to confirm your understanding: *I understand that my deposit is non-refundable and secures my puppy in the litter.I DO NOT understand that my deposit is non-refundable and secures my puppy in the litter.Submit Nick Turner Owner [email protected] Social Media Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Instagram Bradley Stapleton Puppy Consultant 276-639-1453 Did you like this? Share it!